Sunday, March 29, 2009

the opposite of desert

I have been going for wandering walks in Philly for a few hours each day. Tall trees, misty mornings and mossy sidewalks have been helping me see things a little more clearly. There is something about this place or the presence of a new life that evokes a deep honesty inside.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The birth of Purple Ray

Mother and Child

The Family
Pregnant Sarah chillin' on the curb.

Yesterday evening I was able to witness the birth of the new daughter of my dear sister Sarah and her partner Rolando. This was the first birth and labor I have ever participated in. I feel like the experience is too fresh and too sacred to put into words. Ethereal beauty, light and life: Purple Ray Kolker-Brown.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

terrific times in tucson

last wednesday i arrived in tucson to stay with some friends in a little community house here. then i helped work the street fair for cafe justo. i met some cool people, a man named paul in particular. he embroiders fine things on a bicycle powered sewing machine (
i started to begin some writings for what may become a piece about my life on the border. it has been good to reflect but my thoughts are oh so scattered. believe it or not, i had a bit of culture shock here in sure the street fair didnt help...but i feel strangely disconnected with this culture which i used to call my own. the young and educated liberal mindedness has become estranged from my experience. it has become evident that i have changed a bit...
tomorrow i go to philadalphia. i will attempt to keep up the postings while i am there. much love to you all.

Friday, March 13, 2009

where i am and where i am going to be

I am in a place of readiness. I am ready to rest and step out of such a wearisome life for a while; to step out of cycles of hurriedness and intensity which leave me with squinting eyes and ruffled eyebrows.

Some of you all know how I have been having a difficult time lately with the work I am a part of here on the Border. Each day I am able to help serve dozens of people at the Migrant Resource Center and listen to their stories. But it is a lot for someone like me who absorbs everything around me and feels it all. The intensity of this place, this wall and all that our situation entails has started to wear on me how our leaky faucet wears away the enamel on the sink.

Next week I go for a sojourn. I will be gone from here for about 4 1/2 weeks. I am hoping in this time to figure out my place in this mess and how I will be sustained.

I will be seeing some of you. I will participate in the birth of a child and witness the wedding of a dear friend. I will be able to be in my two favorite cities and be surrounded by those whom I love.

The sun is shinning brightly today and coming in through the blinds and making a bar graph of light on my desk. The garden outside is absorbing this and turning it in to good things and I am trying to listen, to learn how I may do the same.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


We have begun to dig and plant and grow. There were a few days this week where the garden was full of folks giving a hand at various projects. There is something really wonderful about people coming together in a space like a garden. Working together and with the Earth.

Prickly Pear

We rescued this Agave from Bisbee, it was uprooted and tossed to the side.
Some of its' arms were bent and I hope it will recover. It has still got a bit of that powerful Agave presence to it.

This agave as served as a strong symbol to me lately . Like a mirror.


Red Rssian Kale


So many sprouts: Radish, broccoli, mung and more

Anasazi Beans

Beautiful beautiful beans

Miriam digging

Kids and dogs and dirt

One bed and pond-ish thing