Sunday, March 22, 2009

terrific times in tucson

last wednesday i arrived in tucson to stay with some friends in a little community house here. then i helped work the street fair for cafe justo. i met some cool people, a man named paul in particular. he embroiders fine things on a bicycle powered sewing machine (
i started to begin some writings for what may become a piece about my life on the border. it has been good to reflect but my thoughts are oh so scattered. believe it or not, i had a bit of culture shock here in sure the street fair didnt help...but i feel strangely disconnected with this culture which i used to call my own. the young and educated liberal mindedness has become estranged from my experience. it has become evident that i have changed a bit...
tomorrow i go to philadalphia. i will attempt to keep up the postings while i am there. much love to you all.


Linwood said...

you should tell me about this painting on your blog's quite lovely.

Hannah Stitzlein said...

Is it by Andrew Wyeth? It looks like his stuff. Joel and I made ginger ale the other day and two days ago we started kombucha. Its fun. :0) Maybe you can come by and taste it sometime?